The team table has the capacity to seat entire teams

6 May 2021

Where some people get their satisfaction from sports, others look forward to the third half. Let's face it; after sports, there is nothing like chatting in the sunshine while enjoying a drink and/or a snack. The GreenMatter team table offers several advantages, namely: at the team table, the desired distances can be guaranteed, the entire team can sit together and a solution is offered for the growing artificial turf problem. Enough reasons for the City of Amsterdam to place two GreenMatter team tables at the Sportpark Bijlmer. Since spring has started and the weather is getting better, this is the perfect moment to highlight the GreenMatter team table.

The advantages of the GreenMatter team table in brief

  • Enough space to meet the 1.5 meter measure;
  • Offers space for a minimum of 12 people when the 1.5 meter measure is exceeded;
  • Has an expected life span of 50 years
  • Is circular and made of synthetic turf fibres from old, worn out synthetic turf fields.

Sportpark Bijlmer chooses GreenMatter team table

The team table at Sports Park Bijlmer is placed between two football fields, so that spectators have a view of the field. The team table can be distinguished from other picnic tables by its green ‘GreenMatter’ character and colour. In addition, the GreenMatter team table has a minimum expected life span of 50 years! A smart purchase in the long run! Like all our other products, the team table is manufactured from recycled artificial grass from artificial pitches that need to be replaced (no production waste). This is the way for municipalities and sports associations to reduce the artificial grass waste mountain.

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