New: recycled artificial grass in combi sheet piling

8 February 2021

For the Bosbaan project, we supplied 120 metres of combi sheet piling containing the artificial grass fibres from almost one worn-out football pitch!

Our production partner Lankhorst has had the plastic combi sheet piling in its delivery programme for some time now. This KLP wall offers clients an economical and sustainable solution for water and earth retaining walls. The combi sheet piling normally consists of PEFC-certified pinewood planks covered with plastic (black colour) on top. In addition, they also offer plastic purlins which give strength and shape to the construction of the sheet piling. The KLP combi sheet piling falls under ‘Sustainability Class 1’ and has an expected technical life span of at least 50 years.

We were recently asked to supply the combi sheet pile walls for the Bosbaan in the Amsterdamse Bos. However, the composition of the wall for this project is different from ‘normal’. A total of 600 sheet-pile walls were supplied, with 12 kg of artificial grass being incorporated in the head of each sheet-pile wall. This makes a total of 7,200 kg of artificial grass. The anchor purlins are 5 metres long and 89 kg of synthetic turf is needed per purlin. A total of 24 purlins were required, containing a total of 2,136 kg of synthetic material. In the plastic mixture used for this project, 88% of the synthetic turf was recycled. In total, the Bosbaan project used (7,200 + 2,136)x0.88 = 8,216 kg of recycled synthetic turf from worn-out synthetic turf fields. In this project, practically an entire football pitch is recycled and a real step has been taken towards the fully circular use of raw materials within the municipality.

The boards are now green at the top instead of black. Apart from the fact that no rotting takes place at the air-waterline, the green colour of the wall means that it blends in nicely with its natural surroundings. The top of the combi sheet piling is finished with recycled artificial grass planks.

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Questions? We can be reached via +31 (0) 252 683 300 and [email protected]